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ताजा समाचार

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

क्र.स मिती शिर्षक
२०७२ माघ २७ माननीय अर्थमन्त्रीज्यूको भारत भ्रमण सम्बन्धि प्रेस विज्ञप्ती
२०७२ पुस १४ प्रेस विज्ञप्ती (२०७२ पौष १४)
२०७२ भाद्र ३ Seventh Meeting of the SAARC Finance Ministers
२०७२ श्रावण ७ Post Disaster Reconstruction Plan between the GoN and Government of China
२०७२ अषाढ २३ Financial Agreement between the GoN and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany
२०७२ अषाढ २० उच्चस्तरीय कर प्रणाली पुनरावलोकन आयोग, २०७१ को प्रेस विज्ञप्ती
२०७१ चैत्र १० फाल्गुन मसान्तसम्मको राजस्व असुलिको प्रगति समीक्षा बैठक
२०७१ फाल्गुन १२ Loan agreement with the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD)
२०७१ माघ २७ Agreement between the GoN and the Government of Switzerland
१० २०७१ माघ २७ Agreement between the GoN and the Government of Switzerland
११ २०७१ माघ २३ Agreement between GoN and the OPEC Fund for International Development
१२ २०७१ माघ १५ Agreement between the Government of Nepal and Czech Republic
१३ २०७१ पुस २२ Agreement between GoN and the Department for International Development (DFID)
१४ २०७१ मंसिर १९ Agreement between GoN and the Government of Norway
१५ २०७१ मंसिर ९ November 25: Agreement with the Government of Switzerland
१६ २०७१ मंसिर ९ November 25: Agreement with Asian Development Bank
१७ २०७१ मंसिर ८ November 24: The International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group
१८ २०७१ कार्तिक ३० November 14: ADB and Government of Norway to Help Nepal Overcome Crippling Power Shortage
१९ २०७१ कार्तिक १३ October 30: Framework Agreement with Government of the Republic of Korea
२० २०७१ कार्तिक २ The European Union and Nepal launch their new seven years cooperation strategy
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